Final responsibility for the comprehensive accident prevention and control program
rests with management. Management must provide direction for the program by establishing
achievable goals along with planning and organization of guidelines and procedures
that determine accountability. The following list assigns responsibilities to upper
management for the variety of positions at 青青草视频(note, these responsibilities are not
all inclusive):
The President and Vice Presidents shall:
- Have responsibility for the comprehensive safety program.
- Determine and provide funding to eliminate unsafe conditions and provide personal
protection to the employee.
- Coordinate safety policy in accordance with recommendations by the Safety Committee.
- Actively participate in the implementation of the safety program by review and response
to reports, inspections and audits; assure contracts for projects are timely and directed
to the most efficient and economical solutions of the problems at hand, and take a
leadership role in application of goals set for the program.
Deans, Directors, and Department Heads shall:
- Provide for periodic self-inspections in their areas of responsibility utilizing the
appropriate inspection form as detailed in "Inspections."
- Have accidents resulting in personal injury to personnel for whom they are responsible
investigated to determine cause and possible corrective actions and submit a copy
of the report along with the accident report to the Safety Office.
- Cooperate with the Safety Officer when called upon to do so.
- Appoint a College/Department Safety Committee with committee Chairman insuring minutes
are taken and recorded.
Environmental, Health, & Safety Officer shall:
- Hold at least four safety meetings annually.
- Develop and implement a comprehensive environmental, health, and safety program with
the intent of providing a safe and healthful work place and campus.
- Advise the President and operating management of methods to achieve goals.
- Review accident reports and trends to determine corrective actions.
- Review and recommend changes or amendments to the safety plan periodically.
- Recommend necessary actions to department heads to comply with requirements and regulations.
- Ensure proper and accurate documentation of the Safety Program.
The University Safety Committee shall:
- Assist the Environmental, Health, and Safety Officer in reviewing safety problems,
developing policies and methods for resolving the problems and in developing procedures
for achieving established goals.
- Assist the Safety Officer in developing safety education/training programs designed
to create and maintain an interest in job safety.
- Assist in coordinating the efforts of the Safety Committees of all areas and departments
throughout the campus.
- Review reports of significant accidents and/or property damage incidents.
- Develop suggestions and recommendations for the correction of hazardous acts, working
conditions and/or unsafe work practices.
- Review and revise as necessary new or existing policies to minimize unsafe acts or
Physical Plant Management shall:
- Prioritizes work orders and projects submitted for correction of unsafe conditions
and resulting from all safety inspections.
- Establish and maintain a schedule and recording procedure for an all-inclusive preventive
maintenance program for all systems, equipment and vehicles.
- Provide necessary training for maintenance and custodial personnel to ensure proper
certification and licensing for required activities and equipment.
Faculty, Supervisors, and/or Foremen shall:
- As key figures in the 青青草视频safety Program, each shall have a working knowledge of safety
principles and rules applicable to their area of responsibility.
- Schedule and conduct inspections of areas of responsibility to identify and correct
unsafe conditions and procedures or acts which might be harmful to the worker and/or
青青草视频property. Retain the inspection report and send a copy to the Safety Office.
- Take necessary action (work orders, requests for assistance, etc.,) to correct unsafe
acts and conditions which could include work stoppage.
- Maintain a clean workplace and assure participation of all employees.
- Assure injured employees receive medical attention.
- Investigate accidents to determine causes and initiate possible corrective actions
to preclude recurrence. Prepare documentation and forward a copy to the Safety Office.
- Maintain a copy of the 青青草视频Safety Manual and assure that every employee is aware of
- Provide safety training for each new employee and for current employees who must perform
new tasks or operate new equipment or whose safety performance is not satisfactory.
Training shall include correct work procedures, proper use of equipment and availability
of assistance, when needed. Records will be maintained for each employee.
- Request assistance from the Safety Officer when necessary.
Employees shall:
- As a condition of employment, observe and comply with applicable safety rules and
- When practical, take initiative to correct unsafe conditions and acts or, if it cannot
be accomplished, report them to the supervisor.
- Utilize personal protective equipment as needed and/or required.
- Make suggestions or inquiries which might improve or modify presently accepted work
- Request assistance from the immediate supervisor and refer to the Safety Office when
all other avenues to correct hazardous conditions have been exhausted.