All visitors who wish to park on-campus must obtain a temporary parking pass from UPD. Temporary parking permits are available听anytime by听visiting the University Police Department, located in Filhiol Hall at 3811 DeSiard Street. Visitors are entitled to the use of all parking areas and zones except reserved parking spaces.
Any large group visiting campus will be required to make advanced arrangements for special parking through the Campus Group Sponsor. The Campus Group Sponsor (i.e., Recruitment, Career Center, Athletics, 青青草视频Foundation, etc.) must use the to submit the request.
Only 青青草视频employees and students can submit the and must login to the form using their my青青草视频login/password credentials.
At least two (2) weeks advance notice is required听to allow UPD to work out parking details. Please contact听Parking Supervisor听Jeremy Kent听at if you have questions.
Vehicles brought on campus by students, faculty members, staff personnel, or employees are not eligible for classification as a "visitor vehicle" under any circumstances.
Visitors receiving citations for parking violations, except for parking in handicapped or fire zones, are not subject to the payment of fines and penalties, but are requested to comply with the instructions found on the back of the ticket.
If you are a visitor to our campus and receive a parking citation, you can do one of the following:
1. Sign the back of the citation and return it to the University Police Department, located in Filhiol Hall, 3811 DeSiard Street on the 青青草视频campus
- or -
2. Complete the