The IPE Framework at 青青草视频has 4 core events, as shown in the graphic below. These events
are planned to meet the 2023 IPEC Competencies. Each event has aspects of all 4 competencies
but focuses on and evaluates 2. The events are intended to be attended in sequence;
however, any program may participate in any event or events that fit best with their
curriculum, schedules, and needs.
Level 1 activities are for students just beginning in their professional education to learn about the Roles and Responsibilities of the various health professions and Communication amongst the healthcare team. 1A activities primarily focus on content with some low-level application.
In the 1B activity, participants apply the knowledge they learned about Roles and Responsibilities and Communication amongst the healthcare team by participating in an activity as an interprofessional team.
Level 2 activities are for students that are more advanced in their professional education. Participants learn about Teamwork as well as Values and Ethics of an interdisciplinary team. 2A activities primarily focus on content with some application.
In the 2B activity, participants apply the knowledge they learned about Teamwork, Values and Ethics by participating in an activity as an interprofessional team. This activity may require some clinical knowledge to complete and prepares participants for future work as part of an interprofessional team.
Special Events
Events that are not part of the core IPE activities but include elements of healthcare teamwork can apply to be considered an IPE activity. Those seeking to designate their activity as IPE should complete the .