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Division of Business Affairs
Human Resources

Continuous Performance Management (CPM) – Classified Employees

Continuous Performance Management (CPM) is a tool used to measure performance and to continuously develop individuals into high-performing employees. Continuous Performance Management is effective January 1, 2025, and applies to all classified employees except those serving in a classified When Actually Employed (WAE) appointment. The performance evaluation year shall be January 1 through December 31 of each year.


Performance Planning and Session

(a) The Evaluating Supervisor shall prepare a performance planning form at the beginning of each performance evaluation year.

(b) Prior to conducting a performance planning session with the employee, the Evaluating Supervisor shall obtain the Second Level Evaluator’s concurrence and signature on the performance planning form.

(c) During the performance planning session, the Evaluating Supervisor shall present and discuss the performance planning form with the employee.

(d) The Evaluating Supervisor shall sign and document the date of the performance planning session. The employee shall be given a copy of or access to the performance planning form. An employee cannot prevent the performance planning form from becoming official by refusing to acknowledge receipt of the form.

(e) A performance planning session shall be conducted during the first two calendar months following:

  1. The appointment of a new employee; or
  2. The permanent movement of an employee into a position having a different position number with significantly different duties; or
  3. The beginning of the new performance evaluation year (no later than March 1).

(f) A performance planning session may be conducted when:

  1. The Evaluating Supervisor of an employee changes; or
  2. The Evaluating Supervisor deems a new performance planning session is appropriate.

Performance Evaluation Ratings

(a) Following the performance evaluation year, the Evaluating Supervisor shall assign one of the five ratings listed below based on the employee’s overall satisfaction of position requirements. Position requirements include, but are not limited to, performance, behavior, and quality/quantity of work. While consistency is a consideration, an extraordinary outcome or egregious conduct may cause a rating to be “Exceptional” or “UԲܳڳܱ”.

  1. Exceptional: Consistently exceeds position requirements
  2. Exceeds Expectations: Occasionally exceeds the position requirements
  3. Successful: Meets position requirements
  4. Needs Improvement: Occasionally fails to meet position requirements
  5. Unsuccessful: Consistently fails to meet position requirements

(b) “Not Evaluated” Rating

  1. An employee who is appointed on or after October 1 of the performance evaluation year shall be assigned a “Not Evaluated” rating.
  2. When an employee transfers between January 1 and March 1, the gaining agency shall be responsible for assigning a rating of “Not Evaluated” to an employee who has not been rated by the losing agency as of the effective date of the transfer.
  3. A “Not Evaluated” rating shall have the same effect as a “Successful” rating.
  4. A performance evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement” is not discipline.
  5. In addition to any other limitations set forth in these rules, an employee who receives a performance evaluation rating of "Needs Improvement" shall not be eligible for:
    1. Promotion
    2. Detail to special duty to a higher-level position
    3. Attainment of permanent status
    4. Placement on DPRL
  6. An employee who received a performance evaluation rating of “Needs Improvement” in the previous performance evaluation year shall not receive a consecutive rating of “Needs Improvement.”

(c) “U԰ٱ” Rating

  1. When an evaluation is in violation of these rules, the Human Resources Office shall assign an “U԰ٱ” rating to the employee.
  2. In the absence of a performance evaluation, the Human Resources Office shall assign an “U԰ٱ” rating to the employee.
  3. An “U԰ٱ” rating shall have the same effect as a “Successful” rating.
  4. A performance evaluation rating of “UԲܳڳܱ” is not discipline.
  5. In addition to any other limitations set forth in these rules, an employee who receives a performance evaluation rating of "Unsuccessful" shall not be eligible for:
    1. Promotion
    2. Detail to special duty to a higher-level position
    3. Attainment of permanent status
    4. Placement on DPRL
    5. Market adjustment
  6. A permanent employee who receives a performance evaluation rating of “UԲܳڳܱ” may seek review of that rating in accordance with Rule 10.10.
  7. An employee with a confirmed performance evaluation rating of "Unsuccessful" may be disciplined in accordance with the rules applicable to the employee’s status. A rating is not considered confirmed until the agency review process has been completed or the time to request a review has expired.

Performance Evaluation Session

(a) Performance evaluations sessions shall be conducted after the performance evaluation year has ended and rendered no later than March 1. All performance evaluation ratings shall be recorded with an effective date of January 1.

(b) The Evaluating Supervisor shall base the evaluation of the employee’s performance on the goals as stated on the performance planning form.

(c) To render a performance evaluation, the Evaluating Supervisor shall:

  1. Complete a performance evaluation form and session between January 1 and March 1.
  2. Sufficiently support the performance evaluation rating with comments and attach supporting documentation as deemed appropriate. In the case of an “UԲܳڳܱ” rating, comments and documentation combined must be sufficient to support the rating, any potential disciplinary action, and apprise the employee of deficiencies in sufficient detail for the employee to provide defense/explanation in an agency review or appeal setting.
  3. Obtain the Second Level Evaluator’s concurrence and signature on the performance evaluation form prior to discussion with the employee.
  4. Discuss the evaluation with the employee. Following the discussion, the Evaluating Supervisor and the employee shall sign indicating the evaluation session occurred.
  5. Provide the employee with a copy of or access to the completed performance evaluation form and any supporting documentation.

(d) An employee cannot prevent the performance evaluation form from becoming official by refusing to attend the performance evaluation session and/or refusing to acknowledge the performance evaluation form. Should the employee refuse to attend the performance evaluation session and/or acknowledge the performance evaluation form, the Evaluating Supervisor shall document the refusal on the performance evaluation form.


Evaluating Supervisor: The Evaluating Supervisor shall be responsible for the administration of Continuous Performance Management for designated employees in accordance with these rules and any applicable agency policies. Administration includes, but is not limited to, communicating with subordinates throughout the performance evaluation year regarding both satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance and behavior, need for improvement and need for additional training. Such communications may be formal or informal.

Second Level Evaluator: The Second Level Evaluator shall be responsible for the administration of Continuous Performance Management for designated employees in accordance with these rules and applicable agency policies. Administration includes, but is not limited to, periodically meeting with their own subordinates and maintaining a general familiarity with the employees who they will serve as Second Level Evaluator so that they can fulfill their responsibilities in a fair and impartial manner.

Planning and Evaluation Notification

(a) When an employee is not available, the provisions of these rules shall be satisfied by notifying the employee via mail or email. The notification shall be deemed timely if it was mailed to the employee’s most recent address, as evidenced by official proof of mailing, or emailed to the employee’s state issued email address as evidenced by a copy of the dated email together with a “read” receipt, reply email or other affirmative acknowledgment of receipt.

(b) For evaluation sessions, if the employee is notified by mail or email, the notification must be sent on or before March 1. The agency is required to maintain documentation that the employee was notified on or before this date.