Faculty Profiles
Andy Allen
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

Jordan Anderson
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

CALD 208
Karen Arrant
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing
Jaimi Ashley
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 334
Jason Austin
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

STRS 363
Lyndsey Bamburg
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 337
Shelly Barton
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 233
Latasha Bates
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 212
Brett Bennett
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

NURS 321-E
Vonda Boone
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 211
Jodi Bower
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

ULIB 218
Lee Ann Box
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 115
Patti Calk
School of Allied Health

CALD 106
Michael Callihan
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 131
Catherine Campbell
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 331
Caroline Carpenter
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

Debra Craighead
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing
Lacy Davis
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

NURS 306
Jessica Dolecheck
School of Allied Health

ULIB 219
Taylor DuBois
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Donna Eichhorn
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

CALD 111
Amanda Elias
School of Allied Health

4114 DesiardStreet
Benjamin Evans
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

STRS 372
Sarah Frith
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 329
Jesi Fuller
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

HANN 207
Candace Gandy
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 331
Joshua Gann
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

BRWN 128
Donna Glaze
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 237
Martha Goodman
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 128
Emilea Haddox
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

HANN 207
Kelsey Hall
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 230
Rebecca Hamm
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

NURS 307
Tyesha Hardy
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health
Leah Hawsey
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 333
Sarah Hayes
School of Allied Health

4114 DesiardStreet
William Hey
School of Allied Health

BRWN 115
Kristen Hill
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

ULIB 422
Goun Ji
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Barbara Johnson
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

Kathy Kennedy
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 129
Amy Kincannon
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 235
Kelly Koch
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

STRS 235
Jessica Lasiter
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

HANN 207
Amy Lenard
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

Malynda Magee
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Jill Menzina
School of Allied Health

CALD 211
Emily Mike
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

LIBR 425
Amy Miller
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

Paula Miller
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 336
Carolyn Murphy
School of Allied Health

CALD 111
Sandra Ogg
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 213
Aimee Oldham
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

Margaret Patrick
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Jennifer Perodeau
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

CALD 139
Holley Perry
School of Allied Health

4114 DesiardStreet
Kaila Razon
Clinical Instructor
School of Allied Health

4114 DesiardStreet
Jessica Reynolds
School of Allied Health

BRWN 129
Amanda Richardson
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

CALD 203
Paula Robinson-Jones
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 335
Sandy Roncal
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 128
Dusty Rowton
School of Allied Health

BRWN 114
Emilee Sasser
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

ULIB 425
Sovichan Scaria
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Samuel Shannon
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

STRS 363
JoEllen Showers
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Jamie Sikes
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

ULIB 428
Alvetta Smith
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

ULIB 426
Brittany Smith
School of Allied Health

KD Hall312
Clyde Smith
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 311
Jason Smith
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

NURS 313
Patrianna Smith
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 229
Savannah Stokes
School of Allied Health

CALD 140-B
Jana Sutton
School of Allied Health

STRS 362
Donna Thomas
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

STRS 239
Mary Ann Thomas
School of Allied Health

4114 DesiardStreet
Theresa Thomas
Assistant Professor
School of Allied Health

Vonny Thornton
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 207
Karen Traxler
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 208
Ebony Watson
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 228
Jennifer Whited
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

NURS 134
Kimberly Whorton
Associate Professor
School of Allied Health

CALD 211
Sherilyn Wiggins
Associate Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 206
Chelsea Womack
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 310
Marcie Young
Assistant Professor
Kitty DeGree School of Nursing

NURS 234