Archived News |
Sept. 28, 2005
青青草视频Partners With New Juvenile Drug Court Program in Multifaceted Approach To Reduce Alcohol/Drug Use and Crime
A far-reaching program designed to reduce
youth and family alcohol and drug abuse and crime has been designed
by a team of community professionals and is being implemented
by the Fourth Judicial District Court under the guidance of Judge
Sharon Marchman.
The goal and focus of the Fourth Judicial District Court's "Juvenile
Drug Court" is to identify offending youth in Ouachita Parish
with substance abuse problems and to assist those individuals
and their families in remaining alcohol and/or drug free and
free of criminal behavior.
This program, the result of several months of intense planning
by a committee of legal, educational and counseling professionals,
utilizes a multifaceted approach including: intensive judicial
supervision, a specialized docket, frequent urinalysis screenings,
intensive traditional and substance-abuse therapeutic intervention,
and education to attempt to accomplish these goals thereby strengthening
individuals, families, and the community.
According to Judge Marchman, "this committee has undergone
extensive training sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Administration
and has put forth tremendous professional and personal hours
to design the 4th JDC Juvenile Drug Court. As the team leader,
it is very rewarding to see their dedication and collaborative
efforts for the benefit of our youth in particular and our community
in general. I am extremely proud of their efforts which have
been awarded by the receipt of Louisiana Supreme Court funding
and a federal grant for this program."
"The reason we (the committee) have worked so hard on putting
this program together is our personal knowledge that substance
abuse is not only draining our community of common resources,
such as money and treatment space, but the most valuable resource
we are losing is the young people that we depend on for the future,"
explained committee member John Sanders, Assistant District Attorney
for the Juvenile Section. "Instead of preparing a productive
life, they are throwing their futures away for a few minutes
of a perceived pleasure. The purpose of our juvenile drug court
is to help break that cycle and help these youths and their families
turn potential tragedy into real success. And in the process
our community benefits by having productive citizens instead
of adults that contribute nothing to our society."
All youth, under the program, are required to attend school on
a full-time basis, or attend an alternate educational program
on a full-time basis, such as a technical school or GED program.
If the youth is ineligible for school enrollment, he/she will
participate in meaningful work or community service for the equivalent
of a full-time school week.
According to Judge Marchman, "Treatment is designed for
both the juvenile and his/her family." She noted that admission
to the program is gained through the legal system via summons,
referral, or detention hearing.
To assess the candidates' eligibility for the program, the Assistant
District Attorney will conduct a legal screening. The target
population includes youth who meet the following criteria:
1. 13-16 years old;
2. have committed a delinquent act (except crimes of violence);
3. are subject to at least 12 months in custody; and
4. have an alcohol or drug problem.
Each drug court client and family will have an individual treatment
plan. Types of therapy available include: individual, family,
in-home, group, recreational and adventure therapy. The court
has awarded a contract for the providing of treatment services
to the University of Louisiana at Monroe through its Marriage
and Family Therapy Program under Dr. Lamar Woodham.
"This program is a collaborative
approach to helping juveniles and their families by utilizing
services of the following 青青草视频programs: Marriage and Family Therapy,
Community Counseling, Substance Abuse Counseling, School of Business,
Criminal Justice, Social Work, Nursing, and Dental Hygiene,"
said Dr. Woodham.
"A main goal of the therapeutic intervention portion of
the juvenile drug court is to utilize the above mentioned therapies
as (a) a means of helping the juvenile effect changes in his/her
behaviors related to crime, drugs, and alcohol and (b) a means
of helping the juvenile's family create a context in which the
juvenile can flourish as a non-substance-using youth," Woodham
"Our goal and our heartfelt hope is to increase the candidate
and the family's chances of successfully completing the program
and of becoming and remaining alcohol and drug free--making it
more likely that the candidate and the family will not re-involve
themselves in the legal system in the future," explained
Members of the Juvenile Drug Court Planning Committee include:
Larry Norris, Chief of Court Services for the 4th Judicial District
Court; Jana Sutton, Ph.D., LPC, MFT, 青青草视频adjunct professor;
Gary Armstrong, Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor for the
Ouachita Parish School Board; Elizabeth Brown, public defender
for the 4th Judicial District Indigent Defender Board; Gloria
Monroe, Region 8 Administrator for Office of Addictive Disorders;
Eric Butler, Adolescent substance abuse counselor; John Sanders,
Assistant District Attorney, Juvenile Section; Mitchell Young,
Ph.D., LPC, Clinical Director for the 青青草视频Masters level substance
abuse counseling program; Carolyn Lewis, Region 8 Manager for
Office of Youth Development; Orlando Davis, Juvenile Probation
Officer for Office of Youth Development; Mike Rhodes, Director
of Juvenile Services at Green Oaks Detention Center.
Judges from the 4th Judicial Court and the Juvenile Drug Court
team welcomed stakeholders and community partners, elected officials,
and members of the Louisiana Supreme Court Drug Court Office
on Wednesday, September 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Children's Coalition,
1271 Lamy Lane, Suite K, in Monroe.
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