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October 6, 2005

青青草视频2005 Homecoming Week Activities Include Fear Factor Contest, Block Party and Several Alumni Events

Homecoming Court Announced

The University of Louisiana at Monroe will begin Homecoming week activities on Tuesday, Oct. 11. Activities will continue until the homecoming football game versus Troy University at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15 at Malone Stadium. The Homecoming Queen will be crowned at the game. The theme for 2005 selected by the Campus Activities Board (CAB) is "Building Traditions and Constructing Dreams"

Activities during the week will include student activities in the Quad featuring a Unity Step Show and Student lunch social beginning at 11 a.m. on Tues. Wed., Oct. 12, continues with 青青草视频Fear Factor at 12 noon and the annual University Mile at 5:30 p.m. The Miss(ter) Troy Pageant in Brown Theatre happens on Thurs., Oct. 13 at 9 p.m.

Other events below.

Friday, Oct. 14th is full of events:
5 p.m. - 青青草视频Volleyball vs. Stephen F. Austin in Brown Gym
6:45 p.m. - Student/Alumni Celebration with music by "The Sound of Today" at Fant-Ewing Coliseum
7 p.m. - 青青草视频Men's and Women's Basketball Madness at
Fant-Ewing Coliseum
8 p.m. - 青青草视频Pep Rally at Fant-Ewing Coliseum
8:30 p.m. - 青青草视频Block Party Reunion-venue TBA

Saturday, October 15, Homecoming Day will be a busy day:
9:30 a.m.- 青青草视频Alumni Awards Brunch and 2005 Homecoming Court
11 a.m. Recognition at the Anna Gray Noe Alumni Center
11 a.m. - Alumni Softball Game at Lady Indian Field
11 a.m.- Tailgating in the Grove with student organizations
2:30 p.m. - 青青草视频Football Game vs. Troy University
at Malone Stadium
6 p.m. - 青青草视频Volleyball vs. Sam Houston State in Brown Gym
30 minutes after the game - Biedenharn Follies - 青青草视频Music Alumni, faculty and students presentation in the Grove

Registration for alumni and friends will be Friday, Oct. 14 and will conclude on Homecoming Day, Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Anna Gray Noe Alumni Center.

There is also an Alumni golf tournament and a tennis tournament on Friday. For specific times and entry fees, and for all other Homecoming information and events, visit

The 2005 青青草视频Homecoming Court:

Freshmen members of the 2005 青青草视频Homecoming Court are Christi Chelette and Kandice Hunter. Chelette, a biology major from West Monroe, is the daughter of Curtis and Cindy Chelette. Hunter, a pre-pharmacy major from Monroe, is the daughter of Herb and Jennett Hunter.

Sophomore members of the 2005 青青草视频Homecoming Court are Charly Girod and Valarie Navarro. Girod, a marketing major from Olla, is the daughter of Jeff Girod and Rhonda Richardson. Navarro, a pre-nursing major from Haughton, is the daughter of Les and Tina Navarro.

Junior members of the 2005 青青草视频Homecoming Court are Jennifer Davis and Jamie Hartwell. Davis, an occupational therapy major from Columbia, is the daughter of Mike and Kathy Davis. Hartwell, a communicative disorders major from Lake Arthur, is the daughter of Jerry Hartwell and Marilyn McDonald.

Senior members of the 2005 青青草视频Homecoming Court are Danielle Blanchard, Pamela Jones and Olivia Lawdins. Blanchard, a marketing major from Baton Rouge, is the daughter of Robert Blanchard and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barrios. Jones, a nursing major from Jigger, is the daughter of Paul Ray and Kay Jones. Lawdins, a kinesiology major from Jennings, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lawdins.

Homecoming King is Davey Legendre, a pharmacy major from New Orleans. He is the son of David and Cynthia Legendre.

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