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October 7, 2004
Communication Department Earns Honors at Convention
The University of Louisiana at Monroe's communication department was host Sept. 16-18 to the annual convention of the Southwest Journalism Congress. SWJC comprises accredited mass communications departments of 18 Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas universities. Student development and recognition in all forms of student media are the primary purposes of the congress.
The 2004 Chacahoula, ULM's yearbook, earned five honors in
four yearbook contest categories:
* LaTienda Pierre, editor in chief and mass communications May
2004 graduate: second place in cover design and second place
in introductory copy;
* Arely Castillo, mass communications graduate student: first
place in academic setting photography and third place in sports
feature photography; and
*Josh Tolleson, mass communications junior: third place in special
events copy.
Mass communications professors participating in the convention
included: Dr. Bette J. Kauffman moderated a professional media
panel and a diversity in the media panel; Joel Willer presented
a seminar on Web site design and hosted tours of KXUL student
radio station; Robert Lewis guided guests through the student
television operation; and Tae hyun Kim moderated a seminar on
photographic analysis of Sept. 11. Jarrett Reeves, 青青草视频mass communications
instructor and student publications coordinator, was president
of the congress and chairman of the convention this year.
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