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Degrees awarded to 669 graduates at ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵSummer and Fall 2024 commencement ceremonies

Published December 18, 2024

Fall 2024

MONROE, LA – University of Louisiana Monroe President Dr. Ronald Berry awarded degrees to 669 graduates at the Summer and Fall 2024 commencement ceremonies on December 14, 2024. Two ceremonies were held for the four colleges: Arts, Education, and Sciences, Business and Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Pharmacy, plus the Graduate School.ÌýÌý

Summer 2024Ìý

A total of 114 students earned degrees. Two doctoral degrees were awarded.ÌýÌý

Degrees awarded by college include 19 in Arts, Education, and Sciences, 25 in Business and Social Sciences, 18 in Health Sciences, 3 in Pharmacy, and 49 in the Graduate School.Ìý

There were 12 Distinguished Graduates: 2 Summa Cum Laude, 1 Magna Cum Laude, and 9 Cum Laude.ÌýÌý

The top summer graduates with a 4.0 cumulative GPA were Heather Lee Danford and Rosemary Joy Manning.ÌýÌý

The degrees for Summer 2024 graduates were officially conferred on August 7, 2024.ÌýÌý

Fall 2024Ìý

A total of 555 students earned degrees. Three students earned multiple degrees, and 20 doctoral degrees and two Pharm.D. degrees were awarded. Two students were Honors Program graduates.Ìý

Degrees awarded by college include 76 in Arts, Education, and Sciences, 156 in Business and Social Sciences, 129 in Health Sciences, 31 in Pharmacy, and 166 in the Graduate School.Ìý

There were 96 Distinguished Graduates: 20 Summa Cum Laude, 32 Magna Cum Laude, and 44 Cum Laude. University-level Honor Graduates for associate degrees included 4 High Honors and 11 Honors.Ìý

The top fall graduates with a 4.0 cumulative GPA were Abby Elizabeth Ducote, Elisabeth Doyal Hunt, Emelie Kobler, and Prajwol Pachhai.Ìý

The degrees for Fall 2024 graduates were officially conferred on December 18, 2024.Ìý

To view photos from the summer and fall 2024 commencement ceremonies, please visit:

Summer and Fall 2024 GraduatesÌý

Students receiving Baccalaureate degrees were awarded Latin honors in accordance with the following guidelines:Ìý

(*) Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average (GPA) is within the range of 3.500 through 3.749.Ìý

(†) Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.750 through 3.899.Ìý

(‡) Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.900 through 4.000.Ìý

(^) Honors — associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.500 through 3.799Ìý

(~) High Honors — associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.800 through 4.000Ìý

For any errors or omissions, please consult the Office of Marketing & Communication Academic List Page.Ìý


Ireland A. Aaron, Bachelor of Arts* Michael P. Lamb, Bachelor of Science
Christopher Adams, Bachelor of General Studies Conleigh E. Laseter, Bachelor of Science†
Sydnee Adams, Bachelor of Business Admin Morgan J. LeBlanc, Bachelor of Science
Aris Adams, Bachelor of Arts Shmauna Ledet, Bachelor of Arts
Yulissa Aguilar, Bachelor of Science Katherine M. Ledet, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Sherri Albritton, Master of Science William M. Lee, Bachelor of Science
Skylar A. Alexander, Bachelor of Business Admin* Kristy S. Lee, Master of Education
Landis M. Alexander, Bachelor of Science Nicholas G. Lee, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Jyranne F. Alexander, Bachelor of Arts Taylor M. Lemoine, Master of Science
Abby Allen, Bachelor of Business Admin* Madison E. Lemoine, Bachelor of Science
Alexis V. Amaya, Bachelor of Arts Malynn L. Lemoine, Bachelor of Arts*
Breelyn B. Ambeau, Master of Education Haleigh E. Lewellyan, Bachelor of Arts*
Angela C. Anderson, Bachelor of Arts Justin Lewis, Bachelor of Arts
Jala F. Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing LaChandra Lewis, Bachelor of Arts
Kelly L. Anderson, Bachelor of Science* Trey T. Lindsay, Master of Science
Jennifer L. Anderson, Master of Science Megan R. Little, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Leslie Angelle, Bachelor of Science Jeffrika D. Little, Bachelor of Arts*
Michelle M. Arceneaux, Master of Education Sarah G. LoBue, Master of Science
Amanda F. Arcilla, Bachelor of General Studies Kourtney A. Loe, Associate of Science
Rachel Armfield, Master of Education Landon J. Lofton, Master of Arts
Jordan Ashley, Bachelor of Science James B. Loper, Master of Science
Janet A. Ashlock, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Macy J. Lopez, Associate of Science
Corey L. Atkins, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kenneth C. Lopiccolo, Bachelor of Science
Dezna Austrie, Bachelor of General Studies Christina Lott, Bachelor of Arts
Tracey Averett, Bachelor of General Studies Sierra Lovell, Master of Public Admin
Julian D. Avery, Bachelor of Arts Ally B. Lowery, Associate of Science~
April E. Babin, Master of Education Taylor P. Lynn, Bachelor of Arts
Corey D. Bacon, Master of Education Zhariyah A. Mack, Bachelor of Business Admin
Rakiya Banks, Bachelor of Arts Andre C. Mack, Bachelor of Science
Toriana K. Banks, Master of Arts Nakeia Y. Madere, Master of Science
ZaKenya D. Banks, Bachelor of Science† Abdularzak N. Maflhi, Bachelor of Science
Tucker A. Barbo, Bachelor of Business Admin* Adrienne N. Maise, Bachelor of Arts
Ainsley R. Barfield, Bachelor of General Studies Thalama Malla, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Rosa Barnak, Master of Business Admin. Crystal L. Mallett, Doctor of Education
Ashley Barrett, Master of Education Payton L. Malone, Bachelor of Science*
Dena Basco, Master of Education Jadyn N. Maloney, Bachelor of Arts‡
Anne M. Bass, Master of Science Maisie B. Malveaux, Master of Science
Emily Batey, Bachelor of Arts* Dustye S. Mangum, Bachelor of Arts
Anna N. Batten, Bachelor of Arts† Adrian D. Mann, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michaela S. Beavers, Master of Science Rosemary J. Manning, Bachelor of Arts‡
Noah G. Bellard, Bachelor of Science† Noah R. Maranto, Bachelor of Arts
Hannah K. Bendily, Bachelor of Business Admin Joshua T. Marchand, Bachelor of Science‡
John D. Bennett, Bachelor of Business Admin Madison E. Marques, Associate of Science
Ashley R. Bennett, Master of Education Joseph P. Marsh, Bachelor of Science
Hannah M. Benoit, Bachelor of Science‡ Lataja R. Marshall, Bachelor of Science
Julian R. Berry, Bachelor of General Studies Kristopher C. Martin, Master of Science
Andrew J. Bertrand, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scott Mathy, Bachelor of Science*
Anna E. Black, Master of Arts in Teaching Dana Matthews, Master of Education
Katera N. Blackburn, Doctor of Education Kent R. Mauthe, Bachelor of Science
Brooklyn Blackwell, Master of Science Delbert K. Mayberry, Bachelor of General Studies
Madison P. Bond, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sommer Mcalpin, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Elizabeth J. Bonnett, Master of Arts in Teaching Emma G. McCandlish, Bachelor of Arts
Ariyanna Bonton, Master of Public Admin Quanteeta McCarthy, Doctor of Education
Tyler S. Booth, Master in Occupational Therapy Toryn F. McCarty, Bachelor of Arts‡
Tracy Bordelon, Master of Education Cathryn McClanahan, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bonnie Boundy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Xavier Mccoy, Bachelor of Arts
Jodi L. Bourgeois, Bachelor of Science* Arwen R. McDaniel, Master in Occupational Therapy
Bradley S. Bower, Master of Business Admin. Emily M. McDonald, Bachelor of Science
Kayli D. Bowman, Bachelor of Science‡ Steven A. McGarey, Bachelor of General Studies
Lashay A. Boyd, Bachelor of Arts William D. McHugh, Bachelor of Business Admin‡
Holly Boyer, Master of Education John T. McJunkins, Master of Arts
Asia Bradley, Master of Science Shaun McLaughlin, Master of Business Admin.
Savannah L. Bradley, Master of Science Danelle D. McMahon, Master of Education
Brooke L. Brakefield, Associate of Science Alexander C. McManus, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michael B. Brazzel, Master of Science in Nursing Emily F. Meinert, Master of Science
Hannah E. Breaux, Bachelor of Arts‡ Maya J. Melancon, Bachelor of Science*
Caitlyn E. Breedlove, Bachelor of Science† Caitlin Melancon, Bachelor of Arts
Graycee A. Breithaupt, Bachelor of Science Kimberly D. Meneweather, Bachelor of Arts
Jia E. Bridges, Master in Occupational Therapy Dawson R. Migues, Bachelor of Arts
Alyssa J. Broadway-Bass, Bachelor of Business Admin Paul R. Miklovic, Master of Business Admin.
Lauren E. Broussard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Penny L. Millhollon, Doctor of Philosophy
Michael T. Brown, Bachelor of Business Admin Hunter M. Mims, Bachelor of Science
Staci R. Brown, Master of Arts Hana Mink, Bachelor of General Studies
Jasmine S. Brown, Bachelor of Arts Audrey L. Mitchell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Davis L. Brown, Bachelor of Arts Matthew J. Molaison, Bachelor of Science
Katlyn R. Brown, Master of Education Kaitlin M. Mong, Associate of Science
Rebekah S. Brown, Bachelor of Arts Jaden M. Monk, Bachelor of Arts
Amani M. Brown, Bachelor of Science Jasmyn Morehead, Bachelor of Business Admin
Kennedy D. Bruce, Bachelor of Science‡ Gay L. Morgan-Stephens, Master of Education
Erica A. Brumfield, Master in Occupational Therapy Hannah Morris, Bachelor of Science
Raeghan E. Buckalew, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Matthew R. Morrow, Master of Science
Braeden G. Buford, Bachelor of Science† Deborah B. Morse, Bachelor of General Studies
Cody W. Burke, Doctor of Education Madeline J. Mount, Bachelor of Science†
RicTeshia S. Butler, Bachelor of Arts Kaela Mullins, Bachelor of Science
Nigesh Byanjankar, Bachelor of Science Alayna Murphy, Bachelor of Arts
Everette J. Callaway, Master of Education Azali Muwwakkil, Master of Business Admin.
Jeremiah Cameron, Bachelor of Science Brandi Myatt, Master of Science in Nursing
Logan D. Cammack, Master of Education De'Yaisha M. Nash, Bachelor of Arts
Sydney G. Campbell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing* Maria Naya, Master of Science
Jackie D. Cantrell, Bachelor of Arts Jordyn G. Neal, Bachelor of Arts
Alvino Carbajal, Bachelor of General Studies Joli R. Neal, Master of Education
Brenda I. Cardozo, Bachelor of Arts† Mekhi A. Nelson, Bachelor of Science
Shelby S. Carlson, Bachelor of Arts* Maegan D. Nester, Bachelor of Arts
Keirra L. Carr, Bachelor of Arts Kim-Loan T. Ngo, Master of Arts in Teaching
Danny R. Carson, Master of Arts Jalen D. Nguyen, Master of Business Admin.
Rosalyn Carson, Bachelor of Science Victoria Nguyen, Bachelor of Science
Samuel J. Carson, Bachelor of General Studies† Rebecca S. Nichols, Doctor of Education
Marshala L. Carter, Master of Arts Matthew C. Nichols, Bachelor of Arts
Paul Cascio, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Magy C. Nicholson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Ellie F. Cassels, Associate of Science^ George P. Nobles, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Madison D. Caston, Bachelor of Science Brandon R. Nolan, Bachelor of Business Admin
Dylan N. Cate, Bachelor of Science Charles Norman, Master of Science
Paige B. Chanler, Master of Education Laney D. O'Neal, Bachelor of Science*
Blake A. Chapman, Bachelor of Science Erika M. Oby, Bachelor of Science
Brittany A. Charchio, Master of Arts Monica B. Odom, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jolie A. Charpentier, Associate of Science Hannah E. Odom, Bachelor of Science*
Damian L. Cheffin, Bachelor of General Studies Gabrielle Ok, Master of Science
Victoria T. Clark, Bachelor of Arts Harley-Rose D. Olivo, Bachelor of Business Admin
Johnathan Clemons, Bachelor of Arts Rashad M. Onezime, Bachelor of General Studies
Sarah E. Coble, Master of Arts in Teaching Julia G. Oubre, Master of Science
Heather C. Coleman, Bachelor of Arts Damon A. Owens, Bachelor of Science
Jenna A. Comer, Bachelor of General Studies Prajwol Pachhai, Bachelor of Science‡
Katie N. Conrad, Master of Music Education Isyss D. Paige, Bachelor of Science
Lyndsey N. Cooper, Bachelor of Science Julie Paniagua, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kayla D. Cornet, Bachelor of Science* Crystal S. Pantinople, Bachelor of Arts
Gerardo Cortez, Bachelor of Science Cohen P. Parent, Bachelor of Science
Jeremiah Cotton, Bachelor of Arts Ethan G. Paris, Bachelor of Science
Rachel Cotton, Bachelor of Science Abby D. Parish, Associate of Science
Zareona M. Craft, Bachelor of Arts JaLissa J. Parker, Bachelor of Science
Jimmesha L. Craig, Bachelor of Arts DeCartizae J. Pates, Bachelor of Arts
Lexie R. Crain, Master in Occupational Therapy Todd R. Payne, Bachelor of Arts
Benjamin S. Crawford, Bachelor of Science Michelle L. Payzant, Bachelor of Arts†
Jordan B. Crumpton, Bachelor of General Studies Layla S. Penaloza Marin, Bachelor of Science
Zachary A. Crymes, Bachelor of Arts Vivianne H. Pham, Bachelor of Science
Holly Cumbee, Bachelor of Arts Elizabeth C. Pierson, Bachelor of Arts*
Brooke Daigle, Master of Education Kaylee A. Pilcher, Master of Arts
Hunter J. Daigneault, Bachelor of Science Anna K. Poland, Master of Education
Heather L. Danford, Bachelor of Arts‡ Dajanea R. Pollard, Bachelor of Arts†
Dana D. Dang, Associate of Science~ Cynthia A. Porter, Master of Public Admin
Camryn G. Day, Bachelor of Business Admin Dani Price, Bachelor of Science‡
Ali Delahoussaye, Bachelor of Science* Krystal A. Procell, Bachelor of Arts
David J. Delahoussaye, Master of Arts Emily Prudhomme, Master in Occupational Therapy
David J. Delahoussaye, Master of Science Chrishana Puckett, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Dustin L. Denley, Master of Arts K'Qearistan S. Puckett, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Matthew D. DeVille, Bachelor of General Studies Nathaniel A. Pugh, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Stephanie Dixon, Master of Education Mashalla B. Quarles, Master of Education
Drue M. Dodson, Master of Science Dylan E. Quick, Master of Music Education
Skylar R. Donald, Bachelor of Science‡ Brennan S. Randell, Bachelor of Science
Danica R. Donker, Doctor of Education Travor Randle, Bachelor of Science*
Samantha Dortch, Bachelor of Arts Darah M. Ranel, Associate of Science~
Nickie P. Doss, Bachelor of General Studies Dillon M. Ratliff, Bachelor of Science
Nicholas Downs, Bachelor of Business Admin Anna G. Reedy, Bachelor of General Studies
Daisy Drake, Master of Science Sorah R. Reeves, Bachelor of Arts†
Brett T. Drillette, Bachelor of Science Chaketra Reitzell, Bachelor of Arts
Michael B. Duah, Master of Science Taylor K. Richards, Bachelor of Science*
Maurice J. DuCarpe, Master of Education Adrienne I. Richardson, Bachelor of General Studies
Keitha T. Duchesne, Master in Occupational Therapy Justin A. Richter, Bachelor of Science
Abby E. Ducote, Bachelor of Science‡ Mareo A. Riley, Bachelor of Fine Arts
Lane C. Duff, Bachelor of Business Admin David Riley, Master of Arts
Amelia D. Duhon, Master of Education Catherine M. Roberge, Master of Education
Shannon D. Dumas, Master of Education Alexis K. Roberson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Delandrius D. Dunbar, Master of Science Reid A. Roberts, Master of Science
Cindy N. Duong, Bachelor of Business Admin Hunter B. Robertson, Bachelor of Business Admin
Emily P. Dupre, Associate of Science^ Acelyn M. Robinson, Bachelor of General Studies
Ashlyn Dupree, Master of Science Brittany Robinson, Doctor of Education
Ashlyn Dupree, Graduate Certificate Kayli N. Robinson, Bachelor of Science
Charles A. Durand, Master of Science Kimberly W. Robison, Master of Education
Chloe B. Dustin, Bachelor of Arts* Patricia M. Rodgers, Master of Science
Jared Dye, Master of Education Rui M. Rodrigues, Master of Science
Jaycee C. Ebarb, Bachelor of Science Brooke M. Rodriguez, Associate of Science^
Amanda R. Ebey, Master of Education Ebony D. Rogers, Bachelor of Science
Mallory Echols, Bachelor of Business Admin Andrea B. Rogers, Master of Education
Lakesha Edmonds, Bachelor of Science Cameron A. Rogers, Bachelor of Business Admin
Andie C. Edwards, Bachelor of Business Admin Ainsley R. Ross, Bachelor of Science*
Kaitlyn E. Edwards, Bachelor of Science‡ Jonathan Ross, Bachelor of Business Admin
Sydney K. Edwards, Master of Arts in Teaching Kendra D. Ross, Master of Education
Denzel el Hage, Master of Science Katie Rowe, Master of Education
Isabella L. Elias, Bachelor of Business Admin Sagor Chandra Roy, Doctor of Philosophy
Raychel L. Elkin, Bachelor of Science Erin E. Royer, Master of Education
Stephen I. Elliott, Bachelor of Business Admin* Anthony Ruggiero, Master of Science
KeMario J. Elliott, Master of Education Kaylee J. Sadler, Master of Arts
Tori J. Emfinger, Bachelor of Science† Mariam A. Saeed, Bachelor of Science*
Kayla B. England, Bachelor of Arts Wyatt A. Sage, Bachelor of Arts
Jose E. Enriquez-Olivares, Bachelor of Science Victoria D. Salazar -Zuniga, Bachelor of General Studies
Landry C. Eppinette, Bachelor of Science Emily E. Samanie, Bachelor of Science
Jyren J. Ester, Bachelor of Business Admin A'sha I. Sample, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
ShaTerrica S. Evans, Bachelor of Science Katie Sams, Doctor of Education
Kaitlyn M. Ezell, Associate of Science Elizabeth A. Sanborn, Doctor of Education
Katie M. Farrow, Master in Occupational Therapy Leah S. Sandel, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Johnquavon Z. Faulkner, Bachelor of Science Johnmesha L. Sanders, Doctor of Philosophy
Cassondra J. Ferrand, Master of Arts Felecia Sanderson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Chandler W. Ferrington, Bachelor of Business Admin Jennifer D. Santelices, Master of Education
Kristin P. Finley, Bachelor of Science Alexandria H. Santogrossi, Bachelor of Arts
Kelly A. Flanagan, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Andrew Sao, Master of Science
Tornayaa Fletcher, Master of Education Becky Sargent, Bachelor of Science†
Megan A. Ford, Associate of Science^ John C. Sartin, Bachelor of Science
Amaya S. Ford, Bachelor of Arts Jasmine M. Savant, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kelly A. Frame, Associate of Science^ Colton J. Scavone, Master of Science
Jasmin M. Francis, Bachelor of Science Margaret H. Sceroler, Master in Occupational Therapy
Matelyn C. Franklin, Bachelor of Business Admin Sara M. Schacht, Master of Science
Christopher B. Freeman, Bachelor of Science Tyler K. Schaufele, Bachelor of Science*
Adam W. Freeman, Bachelor of Arts Haleigh B. Schlesier, Master in Occupational Therapy
Shannon H. Frioux, Master of Arts Stephanie L. Schluterman, Master in Occupational Therapy
Kory D. Fry, Master in Occupational Therapy Alyssa B. Schultz, Master in Occupational Therapy
Ashlee H. Fryday, Bachelor of Arts* Christian A. Seal, Bachelor of General Studies
Parker Fugler, Bachelor of Science Marissa B. Seffens, Bachelor of Science*
Temitope O. Fujamade, Master of Public Admin Amber M. Sewell, Bachelor of Arts
Savannah M. Fussell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Avrie G. Sharp, Bachelor of Business Admin
Ashley D. Futch, Bachelor of Arts Rich S. Shin, Bachelor of Business Admin
JaQuetta S. Gaines, Master in Occupational Therapy Claire S. Sholar, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Monica Gamboa, Bachelor of Science Samantha L. Siegel, Bachelor of Arts†
Chandler L. Garrett, Bachelor of Arts Jes'ca K. Signater, Doctor of Education
Cyntavia L. Gatson, Bachelor of Business Admin Jennifer Sikes, Bachelor of General Studies
Paige C. Gaubert, Bachelor of Science Abby G. Sikes, Bachelor of Science*
Ashma Gazmer, Master of Science Michael L. Simmons, Master of Arts
Hana George, Master of Science in Nursing Anna L. Sims, Bachelor of Arts*
Katherine A. Gertz, Master of Education Marijane M. Skinner, Bachelor of General Studies
Ali Gholamian Moghaddam, Master of Science Marla M. Smigura, Bachelor of Science
Taylor P. Gill, Master of Science Kierstyn B. Smith, Bachelor of Business Admin
Mariana V. Giordan, Master of Business Admin. Aniyah A. Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Chrissy T. Givens, Master of Education Madison M. Smith, Associate of Science
Carl M. Glass, Bachelor of Science Anthony L. Smith, Bachelor of Business Admin
Alyssa M. Glenn, Bachelor of Arts Beyonica Smith, Bachelor of Science
Alyssa M. Glenn, Associate of Science Walter Smith, Doctor of Education
Ricardo Gonzalez, Bachelor of General Studies Kade A. Smith, Master of Public Admin
Trace A. Gordon, Bachelor of Arts Tiffany Smith, Master of Education
Kimberlee A. Gorr, Doctor of Education Christopher Smith, Bachelor of Science
Morgan M. Goss, Bachelor of Arts DeShonte Smith, Master of Science
Clifford T. Gowen, Bachelor of Science† Devon Smith, Bachelor of General Studies
Macey L. Graham, Master of Arts Jennifer B. Snowden, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Markeegan Gray, Bachelor of Science Jonathan G. Snuggs, Bachelor of Science
Daylen R. Gray, Bachelor of Science Emily C. Soileau, Bachelor of Science†
Jessie Grazier, Doctor of Philosophy Terry C. Sorrells, Doctor of Education
Larry L. Green, Master of Science Daniel R. Soth, Bachelor of Science
Makenzie B. Greer, Bachelor of Science Angela S. Spruill, Bachelor of Arts
Abigail E. Gregory, Bachelor of Arts Kelli Stafford, Master of Education
Destinee N. Grimes, Bachelor of Arts‡ Courtney K. Stephenson, Bachelor of Science
Mara P. Grutkamp, Bachelor of Science† Amber R. Stevens, Bachelor of Science
Tia L. Gueory, Bachelor of Business Admin Latayia S. Steward, Bachelor of Arts
Katherine E. Guidroz, Bachelor of Science Dorian J. Stewart, Master of Education
Katie B. Guidroz, Bachelor of Business Admin Elizabeth G. Stewart, Bachelor of Science†
Lyndsey Guidry, Bachelor of Arts Andrew C. Stewart, Bachelor of Arts
Brittany L. Guidry, Master of Education OrShay Stewart, Master of Arts
Savannah L. Guidry, Bachelor of Science‡ Hixson W. Street, Bachelor of Arts*
Nadia R. Guillote, Associate of Science^ Henry E. Struckman, Bachelor of Science
Susannah G. Guy, Associate of Science^ Camren A. Studer, Master of Public Admin
Susannah G. Guy, Bachelor of Arts* Klaire E. Sutton, Master in Occupational Therapy
Bryan S. Gwin, Bachelor of Arts* Colby W. Sutton, Master in Occupational Therapy
William G. Hable, Bachelor of Business Admin* Shamyia D. Sweet, Bachelor of Science
Allie F. Hale, Bachelor of Business Admin Susan D. Swofford, Master of Education
Ashley T. Hall, Bachelor of Arts* Michael D. Tannehill, Bachelor of Science
Matthew C. Hall, Bachelor of Arts Kari D. Tanner, Master in Occupational Therapy
Allie R. Hamby, Master of Science Johnathan T. Tarjick, Bachelor of Science
Tiara Harding, Associate of Science^ Delaine L. Tarpley, Bachelor of Business Admin
Madison A. Haring, Master of Science Madelyne E. Tate, Master of Education
Austin E. Harrell, Master of Education Madison Tatum, Bachelor of Arts
Keyara T. Harris, Bachelor of Science Kassidy D. Taylor, Bachelor of Science
Jazmyne A. Harris, Bachelor of Business Admin† Halle B. Taylor, Master in Occupational Therapy
Ashlynn H. Harris, Bachelor of Science Sophie B. Taylor, Bachelor of Business Admin†
Lindsey L. Harsch, Master of Education Macy C. Taylor, Associate of Science
Rachel A. Hattaway, Doctor of Education Thomas D. Tharp, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jyssica Hattaway, Master of Science Aixa Tharyani, Bachelor of Science
Lea A. Hawkins, Master of Science Blakely M. Thevis, Bachelor of Science
Nicole K. Hays, Master in Occupational Therapy Emma G. Thibeaux, Bachelor of Arts
Emily E. Head, Associate of Science Madison L. Thomas, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Angela C. Heggler, Master in Occupational Therapy Rhiana Thomas, Bachelor of Arts†
Brewer A. Hendrix, Master of Science Taylor N. Thomas, Bachelor of Arts*
Alysson T. Hendrixson, Master in Occupational Therapy Remy C. Thompson, Master of Business Admin.
Suzanna M. Hennington, Master in Occupational Therapy John C. Thornton, Bachelor of Business Admin
Madelyn B. Henry, Bachelor of Science* Dan C. Todd, Bachelor of Business Admin
Estrella R. Hernandez, Bachelor of Science Marcia Tolson, Bachelor of General Studies
Ericka A. Hernandez, Bachelor of Science Emily L. Torres, Associate of Science^
David Hernandez, Bachelor of Science Hailey J. Trahan, Bachelor of Science
Alicia Herring, Bachelor of Arts Landon M. Trahan, Bachelor of Science*
Hunter V. Herring, Bachelor of Science Jamie E. Trichel, Master in Occupational Therapy
Gracey I. Herzberg, Bachelor of Science‡ Valeryia Trubskaya, Bachelor of Business Admin‡
Shannon B. Hester, Bachelor of Arts Adam C. Tubbs, Master of Science
Sarah W. Hicks, Associate of Science Alyssa F. Tucker, Bachelor of Science*
Sydnee M. Hicks, Master in Occupational Therapy Markiya B. Tucker-Williams, Bachelor of Science
Dana C. Hicks, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Madelyn Turcotte, Associate of Science
Kallynn A. Higginbotham, Bachelor of General Studies Kaitlyn Tyler, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Demond L. Hill, Bachelor of Business Admin Amy B. Tynes, Master of Business Admin.
Elizabeth D. Hill, Master of Science George C. Tynes, Bachelor of Arts
Khloe E. Hill, Bachelor of Science Elizabeth G. Valentine, Associate of Science^
Taylor B. Hill, Bachelor of Arts† Lauren a. Vallet, Associate of Science
Amber-Li E. Hill, Bachelor of Arts David L. Vallot, Bachelor of Business Admin
Madilyn R. Hill, Bachelor of Arts Nathan L. Vaughn, Bachelor of Science†
Steven K. Hillestad, Bachelor of Science Audrey J. Vidrine, Master in Occupational Therapy
Caitlyn Hilliard, Master of Arts Logan K. Vidrine, Master in Occupational Therapy
Eumeka Hoard, Bachelor of General Studies Carlin Vigers, Bachelor of Science
Kathryn E. Holliday, Master of Arts Dina Villalobos Sanchez, Master of Education
Robin N. Holloway, Master of Education Jonathan V. Vu, Bachelor of Science
Christopher J. Holyfield, Bachelor of Science† Alisha M. Waite, Master of Arts
Nova N. Honeycutt, Bachelor of Arts† Jillee Waits, Master of Education
Jomesia P. Honeycutt, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Morgan A. Walker, Associate of Science
Reagan D. Hooper, Bachelor of Arts Leah D. Walker, Bachelor of Science*
Yolanda D. Horne, Bachelor of Arts Elyse N. Walker, Master of Arts
Peyton E. Hornsby, Bachelor of Arts* Lisa C. Warfvinge, Master of Arts
Mary D. Hotard, Master of Education Jasmyne Washington, Bachelor of Arts
Devin Hudson, Bachelor of Arts Latonia D. Washington, Bachelor of General Studies
Tyra S. Hudson, Bachelor of Science Ashley H. Waters, Bachelor of Science
Randall J. Hughes, Associate of Science Taylor R. Watkins, Bachelor of Business Admin
Samantha R. Hughes, Master of Education Annalee D. Watson, Bachelor of Science
Anna N. Hunt, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Coresha R. Watson, Bachelor of General Studies
Elisabeth D. Hunt, Bachelor of Science‡ Susannah Watson, Master of Education
Maecie D. Hunt, Master in Occupational Therapy Ciera M. Webb, Bachelor of Business Admin
Kanyeba Eunice Ilunga Mbuyi, Bachelor of Arts Jamyra R. Webster, Bachelor of Science
Debra C. Isaac, Bachelor of Science Austin Weiner, Bachelor of Science
Summer B. Jackson, Master of Education Cayle Wheeler, Bachelor of Science
Caleb G. Jackson, Bachelor of Arts Meilan E. Whitaker, Master of Science
Hannah M. Jackson, Bachelor of General Studies* Nathan S. Whitaker, Bachelor of General Studies
Charley E. Jacobs, Bachelor of General Studies Harley A. Whitman, Bachelor of Science†
Sharday Johnson, Master in Occupational Therapy Skylar E. Whorton, Bachelor of Arts
Rebekah E. Johnson, Bachelor of Science* Jessica A. Wiggers, Master of Arts
Chardavion Johnson, Master of Public Admin Raynetta K. Wiggins, Doctor of Education
Kenyatta K. Johnson, Bachelor of Arts Haley J. Wiley, Bachelor of Fine Arts
Tasha Johnson, Bachelor of General Studies Chandrecus Williams, Master of Business Admin.
Julian Johnson, Master in Occupational Therapy Abbie Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Joshua Johnson, Bachelor of Business Admin Kruciana Williams, Master of Education
Billy C. Johnson, Bachelor of Business Admin Lawren A. Williams, Bachelor of Arts‡
Presley L. Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Dkorrian D. Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Jakayla D. Johnson, Bachelor of General Studies Chelsea B. Williams, Bachelor of Science
Sarah Johnson, Bachelor of Arts† Nena G. Williams, Bachelor of Science†
Taylor L. Johnston, Master of Education Janiyah J. Williams, Master of Science
Landon C. Joiner, Bachelor of Arts* Zorria N. Williams, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Madison E. Jones, Bachelor of Business Admin* Nyia Williams, Bachelor of Science*
Kennedy B. Jones, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Grayson E. Williams, Bachelor of Science*
Ashanti M. Jones, Doctor of Education KeyR' M. Williams, Bachelor of Arts†
Hannah V. Jones, Bachelor of Science Gabrielle J. Williams, Doctor of Philosophy
Alta'Nayshia A. Jones, Bachelor of Arts Nicole L. Williamson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kaylea A. Jones, Master of Arts in Teaching Laura E. Willis, Bachelor of Arts
Kira C. Jordan, Master of Education Jamariyea L. Wilson, Master of Science
Tyler N. Kaffenberger, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Naomi E. Wilson, Bachelor of Science
Dawn P. Keller, Master of Arts Carla S. Wilson, Master of Education
Shaye N. Kelly, Bachelor of Arts* Sirenity A. Winfield, Bachelor of Science
Kipp L. Kennedy, Bachelor of Business Admin Matthew J. Wisher, Bachelor of Science†
Sherwin D. Keys, Bachelor of General Studies Luke L. Wolleson, Bachelor of Business Admin†
Reem A. Khedr, Master of Science Elbert D. Woods, Bachelor of Business Admin
McKenna H. Kimball, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ashley Woods, Bachelor of Science
Justin Kimber, Bachelor of Science Jiya A. Wright, Master of Business Admin.
Victoria C. Kindrix, Associate of Science~ Stormy L. Wroten, Bachelor of Arts†
Chasity N. King, Bachelor of Science Leslie O. Wyatt, Bachelor of Arts
Lauren E. King, Bachelor of Science Jessica F. Yesso, Master in Occupational Therapy
Antrenette L. Kirkendoll, Master of Science Riley P. Young, Associate of Science^
Olivia Knight, Bachelor of Science* Yasmeen M. Zeidan, Bachelor of Science
Casey M. Knijn, Bachelor of Science Kenneth W. Zuber, Doctor of Education
Emelie Kobler, Bachelor of Science‡ Ìý
