Ƶ College of Arts, Education, and Sciences (CAES) recognized outstanding students in its annual Awards Convocation on April 28, 2020, — pandemic restrictions notwithstanding. Instead of the traditional assembly in Biedenharn Recital Hall, faculty and students gathered in virtual space, joining a Zoom ceremony for each of the four schools in the college.
“Celebrating achievement is one of our most important functions,” observed John Pratte,
Ph.D., Dean of the college. “Especially in these difficult times, we need to let students
know that we continue to support them and to value academic excellence.”
Pratte delivered a special message to honorees in every session, congratulating them
on their achievements and expressing optimism that their creativity and problem-solving
abilities would meet the challenges facing the world today.
School directors then presented awards to outstanding students in their programs,
describing each awardee’s unique contributions, accomplishments, and future goals.
The following students were honored in their school ceremonies:
School of Education, Myra Lovett, Ed.D, Director
Excellence in Elementary Education –Block 1: Dodie Thibodeaux; Block 2: Haleigh Poole and Abigail McHugh; Residency 1:
Mariajose Nunez-Ortega; Residency 2: Kelly Newman; Post-Baccalaureate Practitioner
Program: Emy Traylor
Excellence in Secondary Education –Block 1: Caleb Miller; Block 2: Aiden Kirkham; Residency 1: Victoria Gomez; Residency
2: Hunter Flick; Post-Baccalaureate Practitioner Program: Ashley Ballance
School of Humanities, Ruth Smith, Ph.D., Director
Communication –Outstanding Seniors; Communication Advocacy: Asja Jordan; Journalism: Alfonzo Galvan;
Digital Media: Siddharth Gaulee; Public Relations: Emma Payne
English –Outstanding Seniors: Creative Writing: Taylor Barclay; Literary Studies: Lydia Mills;
Best Senior Research Paper: Taylor Barclay; Outstanding Graduate Student: Jordan Green
General Studies –Outstanding Seniors: Anna Green, Paige Mulvihill, and Nishant Shrestha
History –Outstanding Seniors: Laura Doty and Maria Serpas; Outstanding Graduate Student – Online:
Wes Helbling and Traditional: Areyona Williams; Outstanding Undergraduate Students:
Adam Blackburn, Crislyn Bynog, and Danyelle Long
Modern Languages –Outstanding Senior in French: Matthew Stock; Outstanding Seniors in Spanish: Tabitha
Birdwell and Emily Healy; Gabrielle Mistral Award, Sigma Delta Pi: Emily Healy
School of Sciences,Anne Case Hanks, Ph.D., Director
Atmospheric Science –Highest Academic Achievement: John Helffrich; Senior of Distinction: Brandon Cohen;
Outstanding Senior: Nabindra Gyawali; Lynn LeBlanc ƵAmerican Meteorological Society
Award: Lillian Frazier
Biology –Senior of Distinction and Highest Academic Achievement: Sarah Camille Corley; Outstanding
Seniors: Sachi Dhakal, Kelsey Douangmavongsa, Ellen Ingram, and Victoria McGee Nettles;
Beta Beta Beta Member of the Year: Ethan Cranford
Mathematics –Seniors of Distinction: Pure Math Concentration: Hari Dahal; Actuarial Science Concentration:
Yogesh Agrawal; Highest Academic Achievement: Yogesh Agrawal; Outstanding Seniors:
Aaman Bhandari, Sijan Puri, and Shani White
School of Visual and Performing Arts, Dr. Derle Long, Ph.D., Director
Art –Outstanding Students: Beverly Jean Marvin Memorial Art Award: Barbara Goins, Dylan
Jung, Hannah Branson Matherne, Linda Ratliff, Alexis Smith, Allison Stephens, and
Brandon Ward; Outstanding Senior: Katelyn Vaughan
Dance –Outstanding Students: Maria Picon Barrios, Ethan Dennis, Brooke Gaspard, Jada Owens,
and Nishant Shrestha
Music –Outstanding Students: Solomon Abang, Anna Blackburn, Caroline Francis, Jessica Harper,
Westly Heflin, Leah Huber, Joshua Huff, William Joiner, Ian Lee, Clayton Moses, Allison
Newton, Sarah Owens, George Rogers, and Neill Roshto
Theatre –Outstanding Theatre Student: Hannah G. Parker