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Risk Management & Insurance Program receives $50K from IIABL

Published April 15, 2019

The Independent Insurance Agents& Brokersof Louisiana (IIABL) recently announced a $50,000 donation to ULM’s Risk Management and Insurance Program.


“TIndependent Insurance Agents& Brokersof Louisianais one of the most prominent and influential organizations in Louisiana. For many years, IIABL has been a strong partner to the program. We are extremely honored by this commitment to continue to support and grow the ƵRMI program,” said Christine Berry, Professor of Risk Management and Insurance and program director.

“Our curriculum has a heavy emphasis on the distribution side of the insurance business so the strong ties with one of the most prominent agents associations in Louisiana is very fitting. IIABL staff and members work closely with ƵRMI faculty and staff to assist them in recruiting and preparing exceptional future insurance professionals for Louisiana and beyond," she said.

Just since 2016, more than a dozen ƵRMI graduates have gone to work for Louisiana independent agents and brokers, either as producers or account managers.

Johnny Beekman III, President of the IIABL Board of Directors,made the donation Monday at ULM.

"Education is a personal goal of mine," said Beekman. "Education is the key to the future. We are proud to partner with you and look forward it."

Jeff Albright, Chief Executive Officer for the IIABL, said, "I have had the pleasure of meeting with many of the ƵRisk & Insurance Program students over the past several years. They are bright, capable young people with a passion for working in our business. The ƵRisk & Insurance Program is a tremendous resource for the Louisiana insurance industry."

Albright has served as a member of the Industry Advisory Council to ULM’s program and has spoken at ƵRMI Society meetings and other ƵRMI events numerous times over the years.

“As a ƵRMI alumni and active member of the IIABL, I couldn’t be more excited about this gift. ULM’s RMI program gave me a solid foundation to become a highly successful Louisiana independent agent,” said Ernest Finch, 2008 ƵRMI graduate and former member of the IIABL Board of Directors.

ULM’s program was rankedninth in the nation by Business Insurance in the fall of 2018 and is the largest RMI program in the state of Louisiana.

From the: The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana is the go to information resource and primary advocate for independent insurance agents in Louisiana. IIABL is a member-based, professional trade association serving more than 400 independent insurance agents, meeting the education, political and business needs of members to maximize business opportunities.

Above photo:

ƵRisk Management& Insurance Programreceived a $50,000 donation from theIndependent Insurance Agents& Brokersof Louisiana at a presentation on Monday, April 15, 2019. Pictured from left are, Dr. Christine Berry,Professor of Risk Management and Insurance and program director, Dr. Ron Berry, Dean of the College of Business and Social Sciences,Johnny Beekman III of Assured Partners in New Orleans and President of the IIABL Board of Directors and ƵPresident Dr. Nick J. Bruno.

Srdjan Marjanovic/Marketing and Communications