AmWINS, Inc., the country’s largest wholesale insurance broker, recently announced a $50,000 donation to ULM’s Risk Management and Insurance Program.
“The decision to invest in the ƵRMI program was easy for AmWINS. The quality of
talent is amazing and we have had the opportunity to hire quality employees. So, it
was not a question of should we invest – it was why would wenotinvest. The benefit the program provides to the insurance industry far outweighs
the investment,” said Tammy Culmone, Executive Vice President for AmWINS and Branch
Leader for the Baton Rouge and Monroe offices.
AmWINs currently employs more than 30 of ULM’s Risk Management and Insurance graduates,
with26 of those hires occurring since 2016. Four ƵRMI spring 2019 graduates have
already accepted positions with AmWINS upon graduation and four ƵRMI juniors and
seniors have accepted internships for the summer of 2019.
“AmWINS has been a great partner to ULM’s RMI program. Not only have they hired and
interned many of our graduates, they routinely speak to our classes and at RMI Society
meetings. AmWINS employees have improved and enriched our curriculum and our students’
experience,” according to Dr. Christine Berry, Program Coordinator and Professor of
Risk Management and Insurance at ULM. “AmWINS supports not only our teaching efforts
but also our recruiting efforts by sending ƵRMI Alumni who are AmWINS employees
back to campus to talk about this great industry and the challenging and rewarding
opportunities within AmWINS.”
ƵRisk Management graduates have gone to work all over the country with AmWINS in
locations such as Nashville, Houston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, New Orleans, and
their headquarters in Charlotte, N.C. AmWINS recently opened an office in Monroe.
Students who have interned over the summer in offices like Charlotte, Baton Rouge
and Dallas can work part-time in Monroe while in school.
Junior Risk Management and Insurance Major, Logan Latin said “My first internship
with AmWINS was last summer in Houston, Texas. Since then, I have had the opportunity
to intern in Monroe while attending classes as well as return to the Houston office
over the winter break, and I have already accepted my internship in Houston for this
upcoming summer. It is exciting to know that I have an amazing potential position
waiting for me when I graduate, especially as a current junior.”
ULM’s program is one of the few in the country that provides specialized courses in
surplus lines and reinsurance. Surplus Lines insurance is heavily used in Louisiana
and across the South in the agriculture, entertainment, petrochemical and tourism
AmWINS is a global specialty insurance distributor with premium placements of over
$15.3 billion annually. They are the largest distributor of property, casualty and
professional lines insurance products (e.g. public entities, construction risks).
Employing over 4,800 people, AmWINS specializes in offering retail agents an array
of P&C programs for specific product lines, industry segments and business types.
They provide services in brokerage, underwriting, group benefits and access to Lloyds
of London.