Ƶ Faculty and Staff Senates will host a forum, “Higher Education: The Future of Louisiana,” on Thursday, Nov. 2, which is Higher Education Day in Louisiana.The forum is at 2 p.m. in Sandel Hall, room 238.
WHAT:ƵFaculty and Staff Senates forum, “Higher Education: The Future of Louisiana
WHEN:2 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 2
WHERE:Sandel Hall, room 238
WHY: To discuss the challenges and strengths of higher education in the state — with
an emphasis on ULM
Guests scheduled to discuss the challenges and strengths of higher education in the
state — with an emphasis on Ƶ—are President Nick J. Bruno, Sen. Francis Thompson
(D-Delhi), Rep. Katrina Jackson (D-Monroe), Courtney Hornsby, president of the West
Monroe West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce, Ash Aulds of CenturyLink, Joshua Stockley,
Faculty Senate President, Katherine Dawson, Staff Senate President and SGA President
Bryce Bordelon.
Organizers of the forum said Ƶand other institutions of higher learning have experienced
historic losses in state funding over recent years. While no cuts have been made to
higher ed in 2017, nothing is certain as Louisiana draws closer to what political
insiders are calling a “fiscal cliff” on July 1, 2018, where a budget shortfall of
more than $1 billion is expected.
This forum will highlight the challenges Ƶfaces as well as steps the university
can take in order to expand and maintain its position as a national university, emphasizing
the health sciences.
Faculty Senate President Stockley said, “Louisiana cannot hope to remain competitive
in today’s global economy without substantial workforce development, and workforce
development is not possible without educational development. This forum is an opportunity
to highlight the critical role played by the University of Louisiana Monroe in the
state and nation, to allow policy makers to discuss their plans to sustain higher
education over the next decade, and to warn the community of the dangers facing our
state should they fail to craft a sustainable longterm budget and solve our budget
deficit in the next legislative session.”
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
For more information, contact Katherine Dawson, 342-3119, or Joshua Stockley, 342-3216