“Having used Dr. Wong’s book as a classroom teacher and later as a university instructor, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to see Dr. Harry Wong in person,” said Dr. Dorothy Schween, head of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership at ULM.
“His advice to teachers goes beyond just sounding good on the stage to being practical and applicable in the real world of teachers.”
In addition to the Wong’s presentation, award winning educators including Diane Roberts,
Dr. Michael Eskridge, Darron Underwood, Dr. Darrel Cluck, Deborah Henry, and Dr. Leonard
Clark will lead the full-day symposium with breakout sessions for administrators and
Sessions will cover school-wide positive behavior efforts and development of a collaborative
school culture.
In-service and pre-service teachers will hear personal anecdotes and practical insights from local educators who have applied the Wongs’ precepts.
All sessions will be interactive, and materials, templates, and resources will be
made available to participants for download.
Tiffany Jackson, professional development coordinator of the ƵTEACH Project said,
“I am excited to be able to offer attendees a comprehensive professional learning
experience from leaders in the field of educational leadership from across the state
and country.”
Conference admission is $65 for professionals and $30 for students. Morning session
only cost is $15.
Price includes conference materials, lunch, refreshments, door prizes, and a recommendation
for CLUs based on seven contact hours.
To register, visit ulm.edu/teach/wong_symposium.html or contact Tiffany Jackson at
tjackson@ulm.edu or 318-342-1292.
Photo of Drs. Harry and Rosemary Wong courtesy