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College of Health Sciences

Course Syllabi

Below, we provide examples of syllabi for the Counseling Program and the many electives students can take from the programs of Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Gerontology, and Education. These syllabi are provided to give students an idea of what content is covered in each course so they can build their degree plan centered on their professional interests.

Please note that while we do attempt to keep these syllabi current, these are not official syllabi and are subject to change at any time.

Counseling Core Coursework

COUN 5001

Introduction to Professional Counseling

COUN 5005

Counseling Theories

COUN 5002

Theories of School Counseling

COUN 5010

Methods of Counseling

COUN 5011

Advanced Techniques in Counseling

COUN 6063

Law and Ethics in Counseling

COUN 6067

Group Counseling

COUN 6061

Group Counseling in Schools

COUN 5022

Lifespan Development

COUN 5081

Research in Counseling

COUN 5060

Career Counseling

COUN 5062

Clinical Assessment and Psychometrics

COUN 5049

School Assessment and Psychometrics

COUN 5021

Diagnostics in Counseling

COUN 5067

Principles of Administration of Mental Health Counseling Programs

COUN 5063

Principles of Administration School Counseling Programs

COUN 5066

School Counseling

COUN 6052

Multicultural Counseling

COUN 5065


COUN 6070


COUN 6071

School Counseling Internship

*Last updated 12-2024

Counseling Electives

COUN 5055

Psychopharmacology in Counseling

COUN 6041

Creative and Expressive Arts in Individual and Group Counseling

COUN 6040

Trauma Counseling听

COUN 6069

Crisis Counseling

COUN 5025

Addiction Counseling

COUN 5026

Advanced Addiction Counseling

COUN 6060

Introduction to Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

COUN 6062

Human Sexuality in Counseling

COUN 6059

Intergenerational Family Systems Therapy

COUN 5027

Introduction to Play Therapy

COUN 5028

Advanced Play Therapy Skills

*Last updated 12-2024

Psychology Electives

PSYC 5001听


PSYC 5002听

Personality and Social Psychology听

PSYC 5003

Advanced Child Psychology

PSYC 5005听

Advanced Adolescent Psychology听

PSYC 5035

Advanced Forensic Psychology

PSYC 5052听

Behavior Modification听

PSYC 5061听


Marriage and Family Therapy Electives

MAFT 7014

Couple and Marital Therapy

MAFT 7024

The Ecology of Psychopathology

Gerontology Electives

GERO 5032听

Loss, Grief, and Bereavement听

GERO 5033听

Grief Assessment and Intervention听

GERO 5085

Theories of Aging, Loss, and Grief

GERO 5020

Minority Health and Aging

Education Electives

EDLE 5015

Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues

SPED 5007

Behavior Management and Classroom Organization for Individualized Needs of Special Learners

ELED 5021

Expanding Competencies in Classroom Management

CURR 5073

Assessment and Accountability

EDLE 5007

School and Community Relations

*Last updated 12-2022